This month Barry Shaw & BSA Inc. Design & Construction partnered with a Rotary Club near Erie, Colorado, to participate in a segment of the Boulder Valley School District Capital Improvement plan.
About ten of us assisted with reconstruction of the landscaping and upgrades to the school site, at the Alicia Sanchez International School. The days program was guided by Principal, Doris Candelarie, Ph.D. (seen in photograph with Barry Shaw). The children attending this school come from economically disadvantaged families, thus are not ‘equipped’ with the resources or home environment, that peers at other schools may have.
We feel that One’s environment, whether it be at home, school or work, provides a tangible and/or subliminal atmosphere, that can offer positive influences and be supportive to productive daily outcomes. When children embark onto this schoolyard, their first ‘impression’ when stepping onto the school grounds, are in fact, the grounds themselves.
Therefore, just as the initial entry to a remodeled home provides us with an enriched sense of well being, so does the presence of what these children see, smell and ‘absorb’, on there way to start school in the morning. At the end of the day, an organized, clean, colorful, informative (some of the plants and trees had identification tags on them for educational purposes) and well maintained landscape environment, had been established.
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Best Always!,
Barry R. Shaw AIA, G.C.