We’ll typically receive an Inquiry from our website form for Architect or Consulting services, consisting of a few very basic big-picture questions outlining the overall scope of work for the project being considered.
This will include location of the project; contact name/phone number; size/square footage of project; estimated budget; etc.
We service all of Colorado, but cities for very timely on-site consultation include: Erie, Niwot, Louisville, Superior, Westminster, Lafayette, Denver, Longmont, Broomfield, Dacono and Firestone.
I’ll then place a phone call to the property owner in response to their Inquiry, with information gathering of more details to their project requests, needs and overall objectives. After assimilation of this data along with evaluation of the realistic viability of the project itself, in terms of preliminary code allowances, budget forecasting, schedule for our services, building department processing requirements and a projection of construction time, it's time to see if an on-site meeting is appropriate, regarding my Architect and General Contractor input.
If it is, I follow-up with an email confirmation of our mutual date/time for this meeting of approximately one hour, along with a request for the following information to be provided before and during our meeting. This allows me to be more familiar with the specifics of their project and also provides a little bit of impetus for them to evaluate more clearly, the project goals, along with their priorities.
Pre On-Site Consultation, Scope Of Work Requests:
If existing home and request for an addition, do you have existing plans available?
If new home, do you have a survey and/or topographical map of the lot/land available?
Have you compiled a written general Scope Of work list of your architectural requests?
Have you prioritized your Scope Of Work, which is sometimes necessary regarding budget constraints?
If new custom home, do you have photos of the type of architecture (exterior and interior) you desire?
If new home, do you have particular Consultants (i.e. interior designer) that you would like us to integrate with?
If new home, photos of land; if existing home, photos as needed.
On-Site Consultation:
If existing home, I’ll evaluate the type of windows; roof material and slopes; exterior wall materials; trim detailing; type of doors; color scheme; etc.
If new custom home, I’ll evaluate the typography/natural slopes; utility considerations; views; privacy considerations; access possibilities; sun orientations; natures elements such as trees/rocks/creeks; animals; fencing; potable water; possible adjunct building locations; etc.
Preliminary zoning, building code and environmental considerations.
If new home, soil conditions, at least on the surface.
If existing home, most viable placement for stairway and a second story addition or if a one story addition an indefectible access to a the new space and the least amount of intrusion into the yard area.
If existing home and second story addition, considerations for temporary move-out regarding construction noise, dust and daily workman needed.
If existing home, preliminary design considerations to integrate the addition seamlessly, so that it will appear as an originally built home.
Let us know what type of project you have in mind and we look forward to an initial collaboration with you!
Best Always,
Barry R. Shaw AIA,GC
BSA Inc. Design & Construction